booking info.

🌟Please make sure you provide us with accurate information prior to submitting your form. Once your info is submitted we will follow up within 24 hours. Final invoices will be exchanged via e-mail for payments. Full payment is necessary in order to make your reservation. Once payment is received you will secure your booking date and sign of choice.

🌟Mileage fee of $20 or more will apply to anyone outside of our 10 mile zone from our location in Bartlett.

🌟Last minute orders are welcome however not promised! A $20 rush delivery fee will be added to any order placed within 1 to 2 days before the date of installation.

🌟Set up and pick up times:

We set up the day before your event between noon and 7pm. Pick up is the next day after 7pm. If you need a specific set up or pick up time please let us know in the comment section. We will do our best to accommodate.

🌟Friendly Reminder if you decide to book with us:

Please do not remove any of our signs or advertisements without our permission! This is for your safety and ours! If you need your sign taken down early or moved let us know and we will gladly assist you.

Feel free to text/call us directly if you have any further questions! (773) 396-0354